Restaurant Le Trinquet - Carouge Acacias

Where to celebrate your birthday in a restaurant in Carouge?

Looking for a restaurant to celebrate your birthday in Carouge?

Come and celebrate yours at Le Trinquet restaurant.

What can I do for my birthday or the birthday of a loved one?

And why not try Le Trinquet restaurant, just a stone’s throw from the Plaine de Plainpalais and the center of Carouge, with its menu of local specialties.

So that the question “What should I do for my birthday or the birthday of someone close to me?” is quickly answered, we’ve got a great idea.

Looking for a unique place to celebrate your birthday?

Delight your guests with a private restaurant in the heart of the PAV district, featuring local flavors and a unique menu. Just a stone’s throw from the La Praille shopping center, Le Trinquet restaurant is the perfect venue.

A unique venue for a unique event! For your birthday, blow out your candles in a charming restaurant in the heart of Carouge, 5 minutes from the center of Geneva.

Le chef sbulime les plats pour votre anniversaire

A unique celebration for your birthday at the Carouge restaurant

Your birthday in the heart of Carouge at Le Trinquet restaurant

Why choose Le Trinquet for your birthday party in Carouge?

Our establishment stands out for its high-quality cuisine, using fresh produce to create exceptional home-cooked dishes and specialties recognized throughout the region.

Our chef and his team are committed to offering a rich and diverse culinary experience, making your anniversary unforgettable.

Dessert pour un anniversaire au restaurant a Carouge - Le trinquet

Le secret d'un anniversaire réussi au restaurant Le Trinquet à Carouge

The success of your birthday party at a restaurant in Carouge depends on the right choice of venue.


Le Trinquet, with its 110-person capacity and 80-guest terrace, is located just 5 minutes from the center of Geneva, offering the ideal setting for a successful celebration.

The perfect setting for a birthday party at Carouge's restaurant

Experience an exceptional moment for your birthday in Carouge

Choosing Le Trinquet for your birthday party at a restaurant in Carouge means opting for a warm and welcoming setting, with bright, comfortable spaces and a peaceful terrace.

Our professional and attentive team is dedicated to making your evening a memorable experience, featuring creative dishes and festive menus.

Dessert pour un anniversaire au restaurant a Carouge - Le trinquet

Culinary excellence for your birthday party in Carouge

Enjoy excellence for your birthday at Le Trinquet restaurant

Excellent cuisine is essential for a successful birthday party at a restaurant in Carouge. Le Trinquet is committed to offering a high-level culinary experience, with attentive service and the professionalism of our teams.

We are at your disposal to organize an event that combines simplicity and refinement, meeting all your expectations for your birthday.

Dessert pour un anniversaire au restaurant a Carouge - Le trinquet

Quentin Lindt

Photo of Quentin Lindt

F&B Manager
Restaurant Vieux Bois
Avenue de La Paix 12 - CH 1202 Genève
Tél : +41 22 919 24 19


Morgan Hertoux

Photo of Morgan Hertoux

Directeur du restaurant
Restaurant Le Trinquet
Route des Acacias 43 – CH 1227 Carouge
Tél : +41 22 308 47 80


Lauriane Loursel

Photo of Lauriane Loursel

Responsable événementiel
EHG Traiteur
Avenue de La Paix 12 - CH 1202 Genève
Tél : +41 22 919 24 26


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Logo anniversaire de mariage signé ehg Genève
Wedding anniversary
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Year-end party

Event: Wedding | Anniversary | Baptism | Communion | Birthday | Business Lunch | Capacity | End of year party | Banquet | Business meal | Cocktail party

Events: Wedding | Baptism | Communion | Anniversary | Wedding anniversary | Gala dinner | Seminar | Meeting room rental | Meeting | Business meal | Business breakfast | Business lunch | End of year party | Banquet | Cocktail | Cocktail dînatoire

Event Catering
Private events : Wedding | Baptism | Communion | Anniversary | Wedding anniversary
Business event: Business breakfast | Business lunch | End of year party | Banquet | Cocktail | Cocktail dînatoire | Gala dinner | Seminar | Meeting room rental | Meeting room rental | Meeting room rental | Meeting room rental | Meeting room rental